Here you can find help for many of life’s challenges. Click on each heading to download the brochure. We may have more information available as well, so if you don’t find what you’re looking for, check with us in the office.
Faith Path
A step-by-step plan for key faith milestones and spiritual disciplines in your child’s faith journey.
Recipe Cards
Faith @ Home Recipe Cards are designed to provide families with easy to do activities for a variety of topics related to Deployment, Kids, Holidays, Marriage, and Teens.
Addiction Issues
Does someone you love seem to be self-destructing amidst addictive behavior? Are you watching a spouse, son, or daughter abandon everything once important to them because of drugs, alcohol, sex, or some other stimulant?
Blending Families
Blending families is much harder in real life than it was for the Brady Bunch family. That’s why blended families need to practice an extra measure of intentionality, including several important steps.
Building A Strong Marriage
How can believers become intentional about building a God-honoring marriage?
Caring for An Aged Loved One
All of us know our parents, spouse, and other family members will eventually grow old and face inevitable health challenges. We even understand that sickness and death are part of living in a fallen world. But we are never quite ready for these realities to hit our own loved ones – especially when a debilitating disease gradually robs them of a once active life or steals away their memories. Whether a parent or a spouse, you can take steps to become proactive by understanding some of what this season will bring.
Considering Children
Producing and guiding the next generation is a mission that stretches us and pushes us to depend on God like few other things in life, all the while revealing and shaping our larger purpose within God’s plan for humanity.
A Difficult Marriage: Finding Hope and Help
Those who marry will have troubles. Even the best couples can struggle to protect their marriage vows. But what happens when marriage troubles become unbearable? Walk through the steps outlined in the attachment as you prayerfully evaluate your situation.
A Difficult Teen: Navigating Rebellion
There is little in life that creates more anxiety than having a teenager who seems out of control. Watching your teen continue to make bad choices can leave you torn between wanting them to just learn the hard way and being afraid of what they might do in a moment of irresponsibility. Discover steps you can take now to best help your child.
Discipline with Young Children
The Scriptures command parents to raise children in the training and instruction of the Lord. The primary purpose of discipline is to consistently direct your child toward right relationships with God and others. Several practices contribute to that process.
Engaged: Getting Ready for Marriage
You’ve probably heard it said that as you plan your wedding, you shouldn’t forget to plan your marriage. But it sounds so abstract to “plan a marriage” in the midst of the more tangible project of planning a wedding. How do you do it?
Exploring Adoption or Foster Care
Exploring adoption or foster care means prayerfully weighing many practical concerns in your head against the often-inexplicable tugging of your heart.
Facing Infertility
A journey through infertility can often be a time of overwhelming heartache, disappointment, and grief. Whatever feelings you may be experiencing, you need to remind yourself of several important truths.
Family Finances
The Bible has a lot to say about money and much that is specifically of value for someone trying to be intentional about family relationships. How can you master your money in order to be intentional in other areas? How can you manage your money in such a way that it can aid rather than undermine your spiritual and relational goals?
Grieving: Death, Divorce, Separation, Change
Nothing hurts like losing someone you love due to death, divorce, or separation. Similar feelings often surface after a major life change such as job loss or a move. While it may not ease the pain, understanding that grief is normal can help us cope a little better when we lose a special person or go through a significant change.
Hope to Marry: Proactively Pursuing Marriage
An intentional path to finding a mate recognizes that God is at work. We also have a responsibility to be faithful in our part of the process. How does a person who hopes to marry become intentional?
Influencing Grandchildren
You are not called grandparent because you have been retired from the parenting process. Those blessed with the gift of grandchildren are called to inspire and nurture the faith of the next generation as life’s greatest privilege and priority.
Intentional Parenting
While a good church is very important, God designed the family to be the primary place where faith is nurtured. The four guiding principles outlined in the above article can help you be more intentional about your child’s faith.
Introducing Your Child to Christ
Like many parents, you may not quite know how or when to approach one of the most exciting yet intimidating moments of parenthood. That’s understandable, but God has given you the most important and most influential role when it comes to nurturing your child’s faith. All it takes is a little training for you to feel more comfortable about the when and how of introducing them to Christ.
Launching Young Adults
After years of saying, “When I grow up, I’m gonna be…” there comes a point in which your children start going through the steps of actually making it happen. Dr. James Dobson calls ages 16 to 26 the “critical decade” as young people transition to adulthood. How can you be intentional about successfully launching your older children?
Living Together: Perspectives
We often assume that living together can help us avoid making a mistake that could lead to a painful divorce. Is that a correct assumption? How should a follower of Christ view the living together option?
Marital Intimacy While Deployed
A married couple’s need for physical intimacy cannot just be turned off during the many months of a deployment.
Military Deployment
Deployment is tough on the entire family even in the best of circumstances. Hardship is part of what makes the sacrifice of armed services members and their families such an honorable calling. But a military family can stay connected to each other before, during, and after deployment.
Preparing for Baby
Those blessed with the gift of children are called to inspire and nurture the faith of the next generation as life’s greatest privilege and priority. So, prepare for this season by taking four intentional steps toward the transition to parenthood.
Preparing for Adolescence
The best way to prepare your child for adolescence is for you to set the stage by spending time together dedicated to giving your preteen the framework for what’s coming. The hope is that you will explain what it means and how to make the most of this vital time in life. Here’s a quick guide to the when, what, and how of that time together.
Prodigal Kids: When They Reject Your Beliefs
Every teen and young adult goes through a season of trying to establish their identity. What do you do when your son or daughter rejects your faith and embraces beliefs or behaviors that you know could be harmful?
Raising a Child with Special Needs
Only those with first-hand experience truly understand the blessing and challenges of raising a child with special needs. It also brings a level of joy others rarely comprehend.
Sexual Identity Confusion
Our generation is experiencing an increased level of confusion with regard to sexual identity. When addressing same-sex attraction, gender identity concerns, or a transgender disposition we must approach such struggles with several foundational understandings.
Sexual Intimacy
God created us as sexual beings designed for physical intimacy. The Scriptures teach that each of us has been made in the image of God either male or female. “In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27) Grasping this reality is the foundation of sexual fulfillment no matter what life season you find yourself in, from a young person anticipating the wonders of romantic love to a married couple seasoned in the beauty and excitement of sexual pleasures.
Single: Should You Pursue Marriage?
Many Christians wonder if they should move toward marriage or embrace the kind of single life the apostle Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 7. In order to evaluate your situation, here are two questions you can ask.
Single Parent: Raising Children Alone
One of life’s greatest blessings and sources of joy is being called somebody’s parent. But if you find yourself raising children alone, you know better than anyone that parenting is a job meant for two. Few understand the loneliness and emotional hurt many single parents carry or how exhausting the role can be. So, how can you be hopeful and experience joyful success as a parent despite more challenging circumstances?
Single Parent: Raising Children Alone
Achieving the long-term goal of raising and launching children is one of those milestones in life that leads to surprising emotions.
Unbelieving Spouse: Following Christ Alone
Growing in intimate relationship with Jesus Christ is a source of great joy. It can be a source of conflict when your spouse doesn’t share your commitment to Christ. It makes it more difficult to face life challenges, to make important decisions, and even to grow in your faith when you are not both centering your lives in God’s will.
Unplanned Pregnancy
Even if you have always believed that life is precious and that babies deserve the chance to live, experiencing an unplanned pregnancy yourself can be overwhelming.
Your Child’s Schooling Options
Parents are the gatekeepers and ultimate decision makers for their children. As you evaluate the many schooling options available to your family, reflect on the included questions and apply prayer and Biblical wisdom to your educational choices.